Sunday, July 14, 2013

Jeremiah Written on the Wall

Jeremiah 31: 3
"The Lord appeared to him from afar.  I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you."
or has been translated to...
"The Lord appeared to us in the past,[a] saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness."
As my wife woke up this morning she showed me this verse.  We like to show each other verses from our "daily verse" app that are pretty relevant to our situation.  I remember the one that my app gave me on the morning Jeremiah got his wings talked about how God will keep his promise.  Needless to say we took it as Jeremiah will be fine and nothing to worry about.  Let's be honest Jeremiah has already beat the odds with everything else.  He literally was born with his lungs full of poison and still survived.  Then, with how many people loved him and cared for him they were not giving up on him.  Crystal (my wife) and I had a feeling he wasn't getting better and the doctor even told us maybe 3 hours into trying to save him that, "this could kill him"..."it's really bad."  We think that the doctors knew it was out of their hands by that time, but since so many people loved Jeremiah and how much of a fighter he is they did not give up on him for 14 hours.  We knew they loved him because it's not common for the staff to be crying just as hard has his parents (don't worry they weren't crying while they were working on him).
Back to the verses.  When Crystal showed me the verse I asked her, "do you think that's what Jesus said to Jeremiah when he got to Heaven?"  We have been reading a book called Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo with Lynn Vincent that talks about a little boy that almost dies, but survives and talks to his parents about how he sat with Jesus in Heaven.  This helps calm me because I have felt Jesus' arms around me and my wife in low times, and I love knowing that Jesus is holding my Little Buddy (my nickname for Jeremiah).  I'm sure he was scared and confused on his last day here on earth.  Heck, his parents were scared and confused too.  Knowing that he has two siblings and three great-grandparents along with Jesus I know he is comforted....I just wish I could be holding him as I type this...
One of the last blessings we got from Jeremiah before he went to Heaven was after we took him off support and my wife was holding her baby.  With exhausted yet powerful squinted eyes we see his little eyes move to look at his mommy then his eyes move to look at me for the last time.  I will never forget that moment.  Jeremiah had the most perfect eyes.  It's like God took a drop from my eye color and a bigger drop from Crystals eye color then mixed them together.  With that beautiful color he gently placed it onto Jeremiah's eyes. ha....beautiful doesn't even describe the color...
My last thing, the second verse I put in NIV translation was the verse that the Hospital he was born and lived in had posted on the wall by their front door.  I may not like how God's plan unfolded for Jeremiah, but my God I thank you for the best 5 months of my life.
Always loved, never forgotten

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